Monday, June 29, 2009

A few of my favorite things...

watching movies on the Holden Cineplex Outdoor Theater Screen- namely "The Sound of Music," dressed as my favorite SoM character (Maria, of course). The Utilities crew sure knows how to put on a show!

living in the mountains and taking weekends to enjoy hiking them. 20 miles may have been a bit ambitious today, but it was well worth the scenery and conversation.

family potlucks with my adopted, extended family. Steak, salads, cheese, blueberry beer, and Michael's delicious ice cream cake!

dance parties- especially girls only dance parties in celebration of Elise's engagement and life in general.

living in Chalet 12- aka The Treehouse with 5 incredible women.

receiving snail mail- most recently from Karen Martin-Schramm!

llamas- which I spotted again today- this time on the trail.

thank you cards from 3 of the cutest Narnia kids. Okay... they're all cute.

a beautiful Eucharist service to complete the week. Tomorrow I'll be singing "I have confidence in me" (Maria's second song in SoM) as I gear up for the biggest week yet.

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