Thursday, November 29, 2007

Family meets Family!

Stopping for lunch with my host mom and family
At the equator line
Host family and family united
Life's a beach in Puerto Lopez
Thanksgiving dinner and much to be thankful for!

Last week I was able to host Mom, Dad, and Christa as they visited Ecuador (and me) for Thanksgiving Break. It was so great to catch up with them- learning what everyone has been up to the last 3 months, and also being able to share a little bit of my Ecuadorian life with them.

My family arrived late last Saturday night. Sunday found us up early and traveling with my host mom to Otavalo, to visit the market. It was so fun to be there with my family and Lorenita as Lorenita was a great barterer and made the whole experience more fun. The whole day was quite an event- traveling to one of the marked equator lines, eating Biscochos in Cayambe and visiting Cuicocha- or Lake of the Gods. All in all is was a fun day for all of us to see new things.

Monday we ventured to the center of the world- Mitad del Mundo and we also visited the "unofficial" correct equator line and museum. We enjoyed seeing baby guinea pigs, a large boa, and shrunken heads here after seeing many displays of why this equator line was the "real deal". Christa spent the rest of the day in classes with me as Mom and Dad decided to trek the city, and specifically Old Town together. My family and my host mom and sisters shared a great meal together. It was weird for me to hear my host family speaking English for the first time.

Tuesday we departed early for Puerto Lopez where we set up camp in a beautiful Hostal dedicated to whale preservation. The gardens here were immaculate and the food was great. We spent most of Tuesday enjoying the beach-front hammock cabanas.

Wednesday we ventured to Isla de la Plata- or Silver Island. It was incredible to see Blue Footed Boobies and Frigate Birds. Each were nesting- providing us with opportunities to see birds nesting on eggs and hatchlings. Bird heaven again!

Thursday we spent a lot of time walking the town and beach (as we did everyday). We flew back to Quito to spend Thanksgiving dinner watching the sunset over Quito, eating too much food, and reflecting on our many reasons to be thankful.

Friday morning we visited the Botanical Garden and Parque de Carolina before doing some shopping and touring of the city. Christa and I hit the town Friday night before returning to my apartment to pack luggage.

All in all a great visit... check out photos here

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